Monday, September 28, 2009

misREPRESENT in da Hood

Okay, so I am putting a disclaimer on this blog that I in no way under any circumstance endorse the imagery and/or symbolism of this picture. I am merely stating a visual fact of something that I saw today that was eerily odd.

So as some of you know, I am a counselor at a treatment facility. I teach kids skills. Not nunchuck skills, though I often wish I knew how, or computer hacking skills. I'm more a teacher of coping skills and anger management type things. Stop laughing, I already get the irony. Those who can't do blah blah blah.

I came into work today and it was business as usual. Some kids screaming, others begging to talk to me to escape the insanity, some wishing kind birthday greetings, etc. I love working with teenagers because it's never boring and I feel like I'm 15 on a good day.

Well, I saw one of my friends/coworker - T in da Hood's arms today. She was in restraint with a non complacent client last week who was trying to go on run (don't worry, we don't hurt the kids, they just hurt us) and she inevitably got punched in the arm. Nothing new. But the bruise tells a different story.

Now I'm not one of those "I saw Jesus in my toast this morning" folks, but that bruise looks an awful lot like a swastika to me.

Now I have seen bite mark scars, cuts, and a finger that was reattached from accidentally getting cut off in the magnetic door when placing a kid in a control room (for threatening a peer or staff with a weapon mind you); but my friend kinda looks like she was hit by Hitler himself. That is just messed up. Obviously unintentional on the client's end of things. I'm sure if this particular child had any say in the matter, this child would have tried to represent Gucci Mane's double G's.

Personally, I am against tagging people via the punch. I much prefer pretty ink done by real artist who aim to represent peaceful things like T in da Hood's actual tattoo placed right above this not-so-pleasant bruise.

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