Monday, July 29, 2013

The Daily Show

So my dog Ellie decided to escape yesterday out of the yard. She mosied down the hill and eventually crossed the road which she knows is a no no. My mom started to follow her and I went to get bologna to coax her towards us. It didn't work, so I threw the bologna on the ground for some grateful animal to find. Today she tried to do it again, so we had to put the gate up on the deck and Ellie requested a file in a piece of cake. I kept yelling out Shawshank at her, "Shawshank, Shawshank, hahahhahahahahahhahah." She did not look amused.

Also in new news, I have been having gastrointestinal issues. First I had my butt scoped (colonoscopy) then I had an upper gi done, all on top of a sonogram and all they found was some mild irritation. Meanwhile I have farting up a storm and vomiting, yuck. So the point of my story is that I got to go to Oriental Express for General Tso's chicken and my favorite person was there -- a little Chinese boy I lovingly referred to as Little Bob. He sings Happy Birthday in Chinese and runs around the restaurant and is just generally annoying. One day he will probably end up on the menu. Little Bob Fung Woo. Yum yum.