Sunday, September 26, 2010

Drum Cirlce Gets Raided, Hippie Wears Suit to Trial

Dear Ludlow,
I'm sorry you got busted for your drum circle at the local tap. Noise violations, shawhatever. Your rhythms made me do the flower girl twirl like I was 18 again. Memories. I'm glad your lawyer let you wear a plaid shirt underneath. Ethan Hawke sends his love by the way. Remember the brownies that cousin Stash made for you the other day? Don't eat them until your hearing is over. Trust me.

Hugs, Kisses, and Sways of the Heart,
~ j

Side Effects and Other Warnings:
You can take the hippie out of the drum circle, but you can't take take the hippie and put him in J. CREW. On a side note, mom is proud that he has yet to put a burn hole in his new urban-hipster "Ludlow Suit"

Saturday, September 25, 2010

When You're There, I Sleep Lengthwise

and when you're gone, I sleep diagonal in my bed.

So Ellie Moose is today's today's topic of choice. Many people wonder why a beagle mix of sorts is called "The Moose" and I laugh at the comment. She may be a mid-size dog, but she is one hell-a-of-sack-of-potatoes to mess with in the sack. That sounds gross. Scratch that, replace with, she takes up lots of room. Look at the latitude in which she takes up the couch, courtesy of her grandma with a camera in full Moose mode on the couch.

The Manifest Destiny that is my dog reach from one side of the bed to the other has become a great problem of recent. Serta can fuck themselves because you are never going to get a good night's rest with a husband or dog cramping up your room on the bed and forcing your spine to contort into inhuman like poses to be able to sleep. I could push her over. Ha. So I inevitably try to set up a nice little nest for her to sleep in with a down comforter and a teddy bear pillow and I still, night after night, get a dog paw plunging at me at 2:30 AM right in the spleen.

My only comfort, and a cold comfort at that, is that she will wake me up in the middle of the night needing to go pee on a patch of grass outside because she make the fantastic choice to drink 40 oz. of water before bed. I personally don't enjoy a forty before bed, that's a daytime beverage.

There is no real point to this blog. When it comes down to it, it's about love and snuggling with a loved one under "cubbies" whether it be man or man's best friend. Please disregard any single lady sadness subtext.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Easter Bunny Revealed

You didn't think I was just sitting around not noticing the crazy around me this whole time did you? Just because I was knee deep in tears and beers doesn't mean that the insanity that is my life stops. During this sabbatical, I discovered something magical, something wonderful, something that will put Rock Island on the map!

Vern is in fact the Easter Bunny and I have the proof. I have noticed a "trend" of hiding things for many years now, but my convincing of dad's true identity came recently during the toilet dying experiment this month. WTF? Yes, when your toilets all stop working, rather than call the plumber, you put different color dyes into the water tank and watch the swirling colors appear in the bowl to "test" the amount of water being used. But a different color in every bowl in the house? Sounds like a "test" for Easter egg dye on a mass scale. And no, it's not that smells fresh toilet bowl blue crap. It's sea green, not Clorox blue.

And then....of course, hiding my diet Pepsi, beer, cigs, and whatever he can get his hands on was the overwhelming evidence. Visual evidence speaks louder than words. BTW - that Dr. Pepper is from last Thanksgiving, see the football logo with the 23.....that is one egg that is rotten if you ask me. Or at the very least flat. Every morning I have to go looking for my good morning Diet Pepsi. Here is one in a mother f*cking boot. A boot.

The rest are hidden amongst other things, on top of a china hutch, behind some piece of crap on an abandoned closet, and behind some cobwebs hidden in the basement bar. It's like April everyday here at casa de crazy.

the wait is over.

I'm Back......

yes fans, readers, and virtual hostages, i am back. it has taken a long time for me to find my funny, but after a long and perilous search it has been found. i would like to thank my sponsors leinekugel and jersey shore for supporting me through the tough times. a special nod to snooki, who taught me that when you put down your race on an application, it's o.k to put down tan.