Saturday, February 19, 2011


So I'm on my way to school this morning very Breakfast Club style all Saturday morning and ick. I live by Jumer's damn casino and it has this light that prefers drivers going towards the casino and I hit it everytime I drive by. Everytime. God forbid grandma and grandpa skip their slots. So today at 8:43 AM I see this nice Lincoln driving slower than molasses and then I see the license plate. LV KENO. Look, I am a fan of the "it's five o'clock somewhere" scenario, but come on. This guy and his wife are totally suckling the teet of the gambling empire. Obviously this guy has skills as his car was better than mine or he got his pension before those became obsolete. And then there is the question of what the hell is Keno anyway? I know it's some kind of lame gambling game that is sort of like bingo, but with shiny buttons or lights. Dunno. So Mr. Keno, this blog's for you and your addiction.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, when we're old, we too can play with shiny buttons and lights :)
